You're So Vain?!...No, Not Really!
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021
By Jennifer Miller

Do you think that having your portrait taken is an act of vanity?  

I imagine most people have convinced themselves that to have their portrait taken is a way to "show off".  In a world that is filled with instant gratification via social media and the "selfie", it is very easy to see how a professional portrait could be considered in the same category.  While I do believe that the influx of the "selfie" craze is not necessarily a positive one, and can definitely come off as a desperate act of vanity, I also believe the professional portrait conveys a completely different agenda. Our society has always hammered into our heads that we must be humble and never celebrate who we are...heaven forbid you actually like yourself.  

Outside of a high school graduation and/or perhaps wedding, it is very rare to see a professional portrait of an individual.  Somehow we consider self-portraiture a bad thing.  How dare you take a moment and focus on yourself. What if we decided to change the narrative.  What if you realized that having a professional portrait hanging of you in your home, is positive.  Not only are you creating a beautiful piece of wall art, you are giving yourself permission to display your "best self".  A beautiful portrait can invoke empowerment and happiness.  Have you ever looked at a great picture that was taken of you and wished you didn't have it?  I somewhat doubt that is the case. 

It is important to chronicle who we are and become over the course of our lives.  It's a wonderful thing to look back over the years and see how we have changed.  Even if you have gained a few pounds or have a few more wrinkles than you would wish, a great photographer can create a work of art, of which you can be proud. We know how to shape your body to enhance the positives and eliminate the negatives you see in yourself. 

Another thing to consider is having your portrait taken could be considered an act of love to those who you love the most. What better way to create an heirloom of yourself to pass to your family.  The portraits I have of my mother and father are my most precious possessions.  Now that both of them have passed, I can gaze upon the images that fill my home and feel they are with me, even still.

Don't consider a professional portraiture experience to be cringe worthy, but rather praise worthy.  Let's get together and design a special day for you to feel beautiful and celebrate who you are now!  

Call or email to set up your appointment.  





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