Adios 2021!
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Saturday, January 01, 2022
By Jennifer Miller

Adios 2021!!!

Well 2021 has proven to be just as "interesting" as 2020.  We have been inundated with so many negative images and commentary, some days it was hard to get out of bed.  But we did it! We got out of bed, put one foot in front of the other and managed to make it through another 365 days.  

Despite all the back and forth amongst the masses regarding numerous subjects, there were various positives to occur.  According to WIRED magazine here are a few of a much longer list of top 2021 atta-boys!  Some may be new news to you...

1.  Cheese is no longer public enemy No.1!  After being told for years cheese is as addictive as crack cocaine and a huge contributor to weight gain, some scientist out there in the science community said, that it's pure poppycock!  According to this magnificant medical genius, there is no fundamental evidence that this is the case.  All of you closeted cheese lovers can come out and join the rest of us. Let's unite in our love for all that ooey gooey goodness! 

2.  Donald Trump was banned from Twitter.  No matter what side of the isle you are on, there has to be a breaking point with all the over-the-top hype perpetrated by our former Commander in Chief.  I for one was happy to not have to hear any more news coverage on the latest cringe worthy tweet that he put out. I just keep remembering what my dear mother used to say, "if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all".  Seriously, I don't think we all need to agree, but certainly we should have some level of decorum when speaking to one another.  

3.  Dutch ‘Bee Hotels’ helped bee populations to remain stable.  A group in the Netherlands performed a national bee census and determined initiatives such as carving out "bee hotels" within plant stems, as well as, banning chemical weed killers has helped the bee population to thrive. I bet that was some amazing data to "bee-hold"!  Sorry, I had to say it.  

4.  NASA made oxygen on Mars.  For those of you that don't believe we ever made it to the moon and it was all a hoax, this one isn't for you.  But for the rest of the peeps out there, apparently NASA's Perseverance Rover was able to convert some of Mars's carbon dioxide atmosphere into oxygen.  Who knows maybe we will be living on Mars before you know it.
5.  An orchid that was thought to be extinct was found growing on a roof of an investment bank in London. There really isn't much more to say about that, but it's a pretty neat finding.
I am sure there were many more wonderful things that happened across the globe in 2021. Personally, I am glad of a few accomplishments.  I didn't get COVID, I continued to learn and grow as a photographer, got to travel to a couple of places, and managed to do a good job overall at my current full time-gig.  I continue to be blessed with amazing family and friends who support me along the way, too. So in the end, even though it came and went in a blink of an eye, 2021 wasn't too terrible.  However, I still would like to say a big, "ADIOS 2021!" "Hello 2022!!"
Here's to everyone having a fantastic 2022.  May God bless you all!!!
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